
President vs king lord of the rings gollum memes
President vs king lord of the rings gollum memes

  • The Balrog Wing Debate Explanation The text of Fellowship during the balrog's brief appearance has a few passages that seem to be describing it as winged (at one point outright referring to "its wings").
  • This image of Saruman contemplating the palantir of Orthanc (dating all the way from 1993) became better known as the "wizard contemplating orb" meme.though it took a while for it to actually be identified as an image of Saruman.
  • Do not meddle in the affairs of bards, for they aren't subtle at all and your name scans to "Greensleeves".
  • Do not meddle in the affairs of fangirls, for you are hot and would go well with other men.
  • president vs king lord of the rings gollum memes

    They aren't all that subtle." Explanation From Lords and Ladies, describing what happens if you call the Librarian a monkey instead of an ape. Discworld also has "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, especially simian ones.

    president vs king lord of the rings gollum memes

    Discworld: Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.(Originally "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.") Do not meddle in the affairs of X for (they/you) are A and B."The yellow face, it burns us, precious!".Ironically, Tolkien intended it to be published as one work and hated that he had to split it up. note Re-popularized it, in fact, since the three-volume novel had been insanely popular in the Victorian era. It was this series that popularized the entire concept of telling a story in three parts."Another piece of Mordor," often seen scrawled on ugly building projects under construction.Strangely influential, perhaps because many poli-sci geeks see the Ring as an allegory for nuclear weapons or the corruption of tyranny. Political discourse: "Frodo failed, X has the ring" or "Y is like the One Ring, everyone wants it"."Tolkien is Hobbit-forming." Also, anything having to do with Hobbits."Frodo Lives!" and "Gandalf for President," both popular rallying cries from The '60s.Further mutations and successor memes, if any.Explanation The explanation behind the meme. Please add entries in the following format: One does not simply walk into the meme page.

    President vs king lord of the rings gollum memes